Helping You Trail Ride in Kent.

We’re pleased to announce that
The Canterbury Trails event – 2025 – is on!
Click here for more details and to book tickets.

TRF stands for the Trail Riders Fellowship, a national motorcycle club that has been going for over 50 years, helping trail riding motorcyclists make the most of the green lane network that we have in England and Wales.


We are the Kent group of the national TRF, the officially recognised focal place for the trail riders of Kent.  We run occasional (some say monthly) runs all around the county, typically 4 to 6 hours long, travelling between 30 and 80 miles.  Some areas are blessed with plenty of green lanes, some not so many.  Most lanes are open to us, some have been closed for various reasons (even if those reasons may be unfathomable to normal folk), some are open seasonally, some are easy, some less easy.  The Kent TRF can tailor rides and routes to suit all riders (although this is seasonally dependent, of course).

If you’re new to trail riding then please do come along to a club meeting.  You can chat with the members, join a local ride (or encourage a local rider to show you the local lanes if you feel a bit nervous about joining a group first time out – we do appreciate that not everyone takes to trail riding like a duck to water), then decide if joining and riding with the TRF is for you.  If you do, and we hope you do, then you have to join the national TRF (see below) and then select a local group that you’d like to belong to and attend (hopefully the Kent one), but you do get access to all the other groups should you wish to ride further afield.

Perfect lane
A near perfect green. lane in Kent.

As Kent is such a large county, we have two meeting places to accommodate riders from all over Kent.  There’s the West Kent meeting place, the The Castle, High Street, Eynsford, DA4 0AB, that meets on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm, and the East Kent meeting place, the Black Robin, Kingston (south of Bridge), CT4 6HS, that meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, starting at 7:00pm, but don’t worry if you’re a little late!  You’re welcome to drop in to either of these meetings to meet and ask questions without invitation.


Of course, we mostly trail ride, but we do also help out on our bikes at a few horse events (good fun), plus we work on defending the network of green lanes from those who would keep us off them.  That work involves collecting user evidence, making a case to prevent closure and perhaps even attending court should it get to that.  In general we have a good record of success at defending our right to ride the green lanes in Kent and, with your help, we can continue to do that…  but mostly it’s about the riding!

When necessary we also do some lane clearing. Here we are sorting out a neglected lane in the south of Kent in March 2024.

Helping mark out a horse event.


To join the TRF go to  this page, peruse it and then click the “Join” button.

Once you’ve joined the Kent TRF you will be invited to join our WhatApp community.  This is where we discuss rides, lane issues, the next ride, bike modifications and all stuff trail riding related.

A few photos of some of our days out riding:

Sometimes we go further afield to enjoy different scenery.  Wales is popular.

This site and the images it contains are copyright of the Kent TRF.